
Spinal Manipulation Level 1 June 28-29, 2025 Edinburgh


Spinal Manipulation Level 1 –  June 28-29, 2025

Location: Active X – 10 Atholl Place, Edinburgh EH3 8HP


Payments made here are Deposits and are non-refundable and non-transferable.

OMT Training provides postgraduate training for qualified manual therapists, A minimum of a level 3 UK Sports Massage qualification or equivalent is required to attend

Read our FAQ’s for some terms and conditions.

Course Details

This bespoke training course has been delivered and taught to therapists worldwide, with the OMT team, training prestigious organisations such as the medical teams at Liverpool FC and Manchester City FC.

All techniques covered in depth are routinely used by therapists such as, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Physiotherapists and will allow you to add a whole new dimension to your current skill levels. Rest assured you will be confident from the moment you leave us to use all of the techniques.

Spinal manipulation has been proven to be highly effective in the treatment of many musculoskeletal conditions and is promoted by N.I.C.E the national

institute of clinical excellence for the treatment of lower back pain.
Download the N.I.C.E Clinical Guidelines

If you wish to attend and are unsure if your current level of qualification would be accepted, please give one of the team a call and we can give you a decision via email or over the phone.
Discover more about Manipulation Therapy Theory