This 2-day course will take your soft tissue skills to another level. COURSE PRICE: £399 – Includes 12mths access to the OMT Online Osteopathic Articulation Course worth £199
- 2 days Face-To-Face Training
- Enhance your career cost-effectively with Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and claim your hours.
- Includes a 12-month online Diploma in Osteopathic Articulation Course valued at £199 with 150 techniques (Online access given after the face to face training for continued education and tutor support).
- Course content based on our internationally published book.
- Full Certification and access to full Insurance to practice.
- Suitable for Level 3 Sports Massage or equivalent and above.
Please visit our Terms and Conditions for further information or contact the team for any additional information or clarification.
Full Certification
Full Insurance
Covering a wide range of MSK Techniques
12mths Access to Osteopathic Articulation Online Course – Worth £199
Cost effective CPD
Full details in course overview
Please visit our Terms and Conditions for further information.

This 2-day course will take your soft tissue skills to another level.
COURSE PRICE: £399 – Includes 12mths access to the OMT Online Osteopathic Articulation Course worth £199
Read the Legal Pack here now

Our Osteopathic Articulation Courses
The word articulation originates from the latin meaning ‘jointed’ or ‘divided into joints’. Articulation is the cornerstone of most manual therapies, including osteopathy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, sports therapy and massage therapy.
Articulation uses a low amplitude (short distance) and low to moderate velocity (speed) of movement within the patients pain free range of motion while in dysfunction. This aids the bodies natural lubricating system (synovial fluid) to embalm the joint which increased range of motion, decreased pain or both (ideally).
Articulation techniques have been shown to help relieve pain and increase range of motion in joints.
Osteopathic Articulation™ has been shown to be effective for:
– Musculoskeletal Pain
– Decreased Range of Motion (ROM)
– Osteo Arthritic Joint Changes
– Hypertonic Muscles
– Increase ROM
– Improve Quality of Movement
– Decrease Recovery Time
– Decrease Pain Levels
– And More
Treatment areas using Osteopathic Articulation™
- Cervical
- Thoracic
- Lumbar
- Upper and Lower Extremities
- Active and Passive techniques
Course handbooks will be provided, and the content of the handbook will be underpinned by a structured PowerPoint presentation by the lecturers
Students will be expected to take extra notes regarding areas and techniques that will require more specific explanation or detailed clarification
The handbook and PowerPoints are solely to be used as an aid; the lecturers will adapt the content of the course depending on the student’s backgrounds or therapeutic discipline
Students are ADVISED to refresh their knowledge of relevant anatomy and physiology prior to attending the course. If students fail to show the required level of knowledge, they may be asked to leave the course.
OMT TRAINING reserves the right to change any course content at any time.
Please ensure you read the LEGAL PACK before attendance here
· Physiotherapists / Student Physiotherapists
· Sports & Remedial Massage Therapists
· Sports Therapists / Student Sports Therapists
· Chiropractors / Student Chiropractors
· And other healthcare providers
Please contact the team for any clarification on your eligibility or suitability to attend, students who do not hold qualifications within manual therapy are not eligible to attend.
The onus is on the student to ensure they have the relevant qualifications to attend, if you do not then OMT Training has the right to void any certification gained by misrepresentation.
Please be aware we may request proof of your current qualifications. This is completed on a random basis.
We also suggest you read our Terms and Conditions
Legal – Osteopathic Articulation / Osteopathic Spinal Manipulation
OMT Training ensures that all students are informed of the relevant
legislation and takes no responsibility for students who do not follow
that, osteopathic is not a protected term or title when describing
techniques used or employed by a manual therapist.
Osteopathic Articulation is a UK trademarked logo – IPO Link
Osteopathic Spinal Manipulation is a UK trademarked logo – IPO Link
These courses are for the specific techniques of Osteopathic Articulation and
Spinal Manipulation and are not a substitute for the degree program and do not
qualify you as an Osteopath.
Under Section 32(1) of the Osteopaths Act 1993 it is an offence to infer or imply
that you are an Osteopath if you have not carried out the relevant training and the
following titles are prohibited to use:
Osteopath, Osteopathic practitioner, Osteopathic physician, Osteopathist,
Osteotherapist, or any other kind of Osteopath.
Students who qualify in our courses must ensure that when describing themselves
on their websites and in advertising literature that they are not implying that they
are an Osteopath, but that they are trained in specific osteopathic techniques.
John Smith – Sports Therapist
Techniques used:
Dry Needling
Osteopathic Spinal Manipulation
Osteopathic Articulation
Course is based on our published book.
Spine and Joint Articulation for Manual Therapists
This beautifully illustrated and very practical book is one of the very first to focus on this highly effective therapeutic modality.