Course Details
Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling) involves inserting fine needles for a therapeutic effect. Overall, it is an adaptation of the Chinese method just using modern up-to-date knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Medical Acupuncturists no longer conform to the notion of Ying and Yang. However, we do aim to create homeostasis within the body.
Throughout this course, reference is made to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as fundamentally the influence of Medical Acupuncture originates from this but TCM will not be taught.
OMT Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling) is designed for; Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Sports & Remedial Massage Therapists and any other soft tissue workers (please contact us for suitability if needed)
We will add a new skill of treatment to your highly skilled tool box. You will leave this OMT Training course with a great knowledge of Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling) and how it applies to your treatments.